Sunday, June 20, 2010

Posh HipHop

I went to town today, drawn by a music festival that was going on in town (actually,there were a few but I only made it to this one). All of the museums and schools near Exhibition Road (V&A, Natural History Museum, Science Museum, royal College, Royal Academy of Music, etc) hosted performances from all over. I did see a bit of the science museum, but the performances were really the highlight. I saw a string quintet in the science Museum (ok), a bit of As You Like It, a gypsy band, a Hungarian cello piece, a Brazilian piece for cello and guitar, capoiera, but the highlight was definitely this guy:
He calls himself Mr. B the Gentleman Rhymer, and he did what he calls 'Chap-Hop,' affecting a very posh accent and demeanor and doing rap, and sometimes rock, style music, but about posh things like cricket and drinking tea and crack cocaine. K, that one isn't that posh. He was hilarious. He started every song with "Hit it sir! and ended with "I thank you" but in a very posh British accent. Amazing.

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