Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's a Baby! It's an Engagement! No, it's...

In shul this morning a middle aged man got an Aliyah, and afterward everyone yelled out Mazal Tov! and began dancing around the Bimah. Of course, I wanted to know what the Mazal Tov was for, so I asked one of the fellows standing on the sides. He told me "Is Happy Birthday."
In other news, Argentines have a ridiculous sweet tooth. They love dulce de leche, alfajores, ice cream, any cookies, cakes etc. It is anti-traditional, in Buenos Aires, to have anything savory for breakfast. No eggs, but croissants and dulce de leche galore. This morning the Jabad put out breakfast after shul which consisted solely of an eclectic collection of cookies. I must say, the Argentines love their sweets, and they are amazing at making them too.
Last night I went to meet someone who runs a very ambitious blog called International Jewish People. We met at one of the few tea places in the city (portenos don't drink much tea) and I had my first lapsang in ages. It was amazing. We sat there for 2 hours talking and then decided to go get ice cream. I will try to explain how amazing this ice cream was. Compared to Argentine ice cream (helado):
Baskin Robbins is bad
Turkey Hill is terrible
Haagen Daaz is horrible
Good Humor is gross
and Coldstone is, well, also bad.
This helado was unbelievable. I got two types of chocolates, one with almonds and the other with something that reminded me of the honey-nougat of Toblerone bars. Not only was my tongue smiling, my T1R2 and T1R3 receptors were laughing in unison. That was some darn good ice cream.

1 comment:

  1. OH YEAH?!?!?!?! WELL WHAT ABOUT BEN & JERRY'S?!?!?!?!?!?!

    Doesn't really matter to me I'm a lactard. And mazel tov on the birthday? These guys are insane. Get out while you can.
