Saturday, November 28, 2009

Broken Stuff and Borthday Presents

My Iguazu trip made me realize something. Until know I did not have to put most of my stuff to use, but now that I made good use of my hiking shoes and my traveling pack, I realize that they are falling apart. It is quite sad. These hiking shoes saw me through amazing trips, including our trip to Mount Washington two and a half years ago, but two and a half years are a long time for hiking shoes that also get worn for walking, and they are starting to develop a certain holiness.
My pack is even older. I bought it during my year in Israel, and it saw me through all the trips that my hiking shoes have been through and then some, including yam l'yam, and the bottom is about to fall out. Of course, the wetness of Iguazu hasn't helped them much, and they are literally on their last ropes. When I get home I am going to have to buy myself a new sturdy large travel pack and good hiking shoes. How interesting that I return home not too far from my birthday! Hmmm... Now that I think about it, if I had a birthday wish-list (which of course I don't, but if I did) this trip has made me realize some of the things I would put on it, including said items, which I really need, decent winter biking gear, biking equipment for the cross-country ride, and, something that I really don't need but could come in handy traveling, and Amazon Kindle (all those books and so easy to carry!!!)

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